1. You check your phone always: If you keep glancing at your phone to check if you have missed calls or text messages, you ensure your phone is not on silent so that you’ll hear it ring, if the sound of your phone going off sends a tingle down your spine then we might be thinking of love.

2. You feel safer with him: Being around them makes you feel you are on top of the world and you are delighted to be having a conversation with them no matter what you are talking about or where you are.

3. You defend him when your friend says something negative about him: When your friends try to rag who you like and you protect him even if they are saying something not that bad you feel they do not appreciate your lover.

4. He sneaks into your mind: No matter what you try to think about, you have his thoughts in your mind, no matter what, everywhere you go, you think of him. It’s a strange feeling that you can’t help. He pops into your mind at the most random time.

5. You fight over silly stuffs: Things aren’t perfect all the times. He has some annoying habits, like listening to weird music or insisting on something one of you do not like. The special thing about the argument is that those little things don’t wear down your.....

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